SUGAR RAY "It’s like a fantasy…" So begins a conversation with Sugar Ray frontman Mark McGrath as he dreamily describes the fine young girls who comprise his band’s most vocal fan base. As the lead singer of this "two-hit wonder," the self-deprecating McGrath is not one to brag about his band’s wholly unexpected superstardom. "I like to say we’re a 10-year overnight sensation," says the Southern California native, whose breakthrough album Floored spawned the infectious reggae-tinged hit "Fly." The current follow-up, 14:59, is a wink-wink joke to industry naysayers who’ve long warned Sugar Ray to "enjoy their 15 minutes of fame" because it will all be over soon. "Hey, we’re just happy to be here, and I can’t state that enough," McGrath says. "I mean, when I hear the word rock star, the LAST thing I think of is this band." But rock stars they are--and with the latest top-20 hit, "Every Morning," the group just continues to expand its appeal. See our live, exclusive version of "Every Morning," lensed by LAUNCH in Las Vegas. Then interview McGrath and Sugar Ray drummer Stan Frazier.